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Certifications and Associations

CORTM Certification

Tri-Phase Group is CORTM certified as of 2019. CORTM is a certification that a company achieves through the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA). It is designed to demonstrate that a company has a health and safety management system that exceeds regulated requirements through both internal and external audits. It is now being used more frequently as a pre-qualifying condition by public and private clients across Canada.


Tri-Phase successfully maintains our CORTM certification year to year and is proud of our team that works hard to ensure we maintain this certification. This certification shows our commitment to safety and shows our strong implementation of our health and safety management system. It is a true reflection of the devotion to health and safety not only from our health and safety department, but from all our Tri-Phase employees.

Certificates of Approval

Tri-Phase has numerous Certificates of Approval (now known as Environmental Compliance Approvals). These include:

  • In-Situ Treatment of Contaminated Soil/Groundwater
  • Asbestos and Contaminated Soil Transport
  • Collection, Handling and Packaging of PCBs
  • Mobile Crushing/Portable Concrete Crusher
  • Waste Management General
  • Spill Clean-Up
Tri-Phase Group has the following certifications and associations: